We are delighted to share the programme for our conference in June 2022. See below!
There are FIVE events for anyone not attending the full conference:
To attend the musical event ‘Music from Weimar to Theresienstadt: cabaret, comedy, art song’, on Wednesday 22nd June at 7:30pm in the new Levine Building at Trinity College, please register here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/music-from-weimar-to-theresienstadt-cabaret-comedy-art-song-tickets-366960397427 or contact the conference organisers (using this address: rethinkingresistance2022[at]gmail.com).
To register to attend the Reading and Discussion with Rachel Seiffert on Friday 24 June, from 4pm-5.30pm, in person in the Main Hall of the Taylor Institution Library in Oxford, please use the Microsoft Form here: forms.office.com/r/2VygyC1277. Spaces are limited and available on a first come, first served basis. We will email you to confirm that you have a place. The reading will be followed by a drinks reception, ending by 6.15pm.
To register to attend the online panels on Thursday 23 June 2022, please use the Eventbrite booking page (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/345576327097), or contact the conference organisers (using this address: rethinkingresistance2022[at]gmail.com). You will receive a link to join the Zoom meeting in advance of the conference. Please note, we cannot accept any registrations after 20 June 2022.
To register to attend the special online event ‘Turning Ruins of War into Walls of Revolution – Murad Subay in Discussion with Wes Williams’, please use the Eventbrite booking page (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/street-art-by-murad-subay-turning-ruins-of-war-into-walls-of-revolution-tickets-338167717747), or contact the conference organisers (using this address: rethinkingresistance2022[at]gmail.com). You will receive a link to join the Zoom meeting in advance of the conference. Please note, we cannot accept any registrations after 20 June 2022.
We have now filled our capacity for in-person participants at the conference. However, it is possible to sign up to join the online panels, and various associated events!
Further Information on the Programme
Download the conference programme here:
The conference abstracts and speaker biographies are available to read here: