On Tuesday 15 March 2022, Alex Lloyd’s new book Defying Hitler – The White Rose Pamphlets (Bodleian Library Publishing, 2022) was launched at an event in St Edmund Hall’s Old Dining Hall. The White Rose resistance pamphlets are included in full in the book, translated by students at the University of Oxford. These translations were undertaken collaboratively (as were the original pamphlets), and are the result of work by undergraduates around the same age as the original student authors, working together on texts, ideas, and issues.
In her speech, Alex thanked the many people without whom the book would not exist: the team at Bodleian Library Publishing, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), the Principal and staff at St Edmund Hall, many colleagues, family members, and friends, the White Rose Foundation in Munich, and a number of individuals connected with the White Rose there. Finally, the incredible work of the White Rose Project student translators was recognised and applauded. We hope to have another event next year when all thirty three student translators will be able to come together to celebrate this outstanding achievement.
Sincere thanks to Henrike Lähnemann for photographing the event.