White Rose Translation Project, 2022-2023
In 1943 five students and a professor at Munich University were executed. They were members of The White Rose (‘Die Weiße Rose’), a group that wrote and circulated pamphlets calling on Germans to resist Hitler. To mark the 80th anniversary of the final pamphlets, and the trials and executions of the White Rose members, this year’s White Rose Project will work on translating the resistance pamphlets into new written forms, such as poetry, song lyrics, and prose. Students will engage closely with the original pamphlets (in German or English) and, in a series of writing workshops, produce ‘creative translations’: new texts inspired by the White Rose’s writings. Students’ work will be performed and presented at a commemoration event in Oxford on Saturday 18 February 2023, and published on the White Rose Project’s website.
Seminars will be held in person on Thursday evenings during Michaelmas term (Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7), and in Hilary Term (Weeks 1-4), between 5.30pm and 7pm.
How to apply
This project is open to all students in the second year or above of undergraduate study at the University of Oxford. Participants will be able to work in English or German. To apply, please complete the application form (https://forms.office.com/r/ue3j6VDGXz), including a short statement (max. 100 words) outlining why you would like to participate. The deadline is Monday 3 October (0th Week). You will be notified of the result of the application by Friday 7 October. Former student members of the project are welcome to apply for this year’s round.
Enquiries should be directed to Dr Alex Lloyd at alexandra.lloyd@seh.ox.ac.uk. For more information on the White Rose Project, visit our website: www.whiteroseproject.seh.ox.ac.uk.