Die Weiße Rose Stiftung e.V. | The White Rose Foundation (Munich)

The White Rose Project works with the White Rose Foundation in Munich thanks to support from The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH). The objective of the White Rose Foundation membership association is to uphold the memory and legacy of the resistance group. The foundation hosts a permanent exhibition in the DenkStätte Weiße Rose in Munich as well as travelling exhibitions, events and educational projects about the White Rose and their resistance against the National Socialist dictatorship. The Foundation’s website has a great deal of excellent information on the resistance group. They also have a Facebook page and YouTube channel.
SANSARA is an award-winning vocal collective focused on the performance of a cappella choral music. You can listen to examples of their work here. The White Rose Project is a proud partner of SANSARA, working together to tell the story of the White Rose in text and song. Find out more here.

Anke Loewensprung
Anke Loewensprung is a writer and multi-disciplinary artist. Through installations, performances and dialogue, she is exploring creative experiences of transformation and reconciliation. Working in Munich and Oxford she has been engaged with the story of the ‘White Rose’ student resistance since 2012. Anke designed an on-screen installation, Lighting Matches during Blackout, for the White Rose Resistance symposium in March 2020. When the symposium was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Anke adapted her installation into a digital form.

Anke writes about the installation:
In the on-screen installation, ‘Lighting Matches during Blackout’, I take a fresh look at the story of ‘The White Rose’ student resistance in wartime Munich. By linking historical photographs with my own images, and complementing them with short texts, viewers may enter both actual and in-between spaces, and factual and inner time. In following the students to Munich, to Warsaw, to a small town in Russia and back again, the three most intensive periods of their short lives come into focus. Sharp, black and white contrasts and dreamlike passages take us through their last year, starting in Summer 1942. Space opens up on a visual, poetic, and imaginative level for new insights and perspectives. The piece runs on a loop and lasts about 15 minutes. An accompanying booklet is available at the symposium and on my website.