On Friday 14 June 2019, over fifty people gathered at St Edmund Hall to celebrate the launch of The White Rose: Reading, Writing, Resistance (Oxford: Taylor Institution Library, 2019).
This volume includes facsimiles of the original White Rose pamphlets, transcriptions of the German texts, and new English translations by undergraduate students at the University of Oxford. In addition to the pamphlets, this volume presents five essays about the White Rose which explore various influences on the group, and the influence they in turn had on post-war German politics and culture. These new essays offer short introductions to those for whom the White Rose is a new subject, and provide fresh perspectives for anyone already familiar with the history.
Questions are often asked about the extent to which the White Rose had an ‘impact’. There has been criticism of their youthful impetuosity; some have questioned how much concrete change they really achieved. Hildegard Kronawitter, of the White Rose Foundation in Munich, addresses these points in her foreword to this book. As Annette Dumbach and Jud Newborn write, ‘The impact of the White Rose cannot be measured in tyrants destroyed, regimes overthrown, justice restored. A scale with another dimension is needed, and then their significance is deeper; it goes even beyond the Third Reich, beyond Germany’.[1] Their story gives us hope, and especially for those of us who work closely with young people, it provides a moving and inspiring example of how conscience and moral courage can challenge injustice.
The White Rose: Reading, Writing, Resistance is the first book in the new series ‘Cultural Memory’ from the Taylor Institution Library’s series Treasures of the Taylorian. It can be purchased at the Taylor Institution Library, University of Oxford, or from www.amazon.co.uk. It will shortly be available to download as an eBook: www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/taylor/about/exhibitions-and-publications.
Foreword | Hildegard Kronawitter
Introduction | Alexandra Lloyd
At the Heart of the White Rose — Cultural and Religious Influences on the Munich Students | Paul Shrimpton
Die Weiße Rose: Freedom of Conscience over Totalitarian Conformity | Jakob Knab
‘Deutsche Hörer!’: News of the White Rose on the BBC German Service | Emily Oliver
‘We are your bad conscience’: The White Rose Movement and Resistance to Unjust Law | Paul Yowell
Marc Rothemund’s Sophie Scholl — Die letzten Tage (2005) | Elizabeth M. Ward
Translators’ Introduction | Student Translators
The White Rose Pamphlets
Exhibition Catalogue | Alexandra Lloyd

[1] Annette Dumnbach and Jud Newborn, Sophie Scholl and the White Rose (Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2007), p. 185.
[…] Weitere Informationen zum Buch unter: https://whiteroseproject.org/2019/06/17/new-book-now-available/ […]
[…] For further information about the book, see https://whiteroseproject.org/2019/06/17/new-book-now-available/ […]
So delighted to see the courage of these young adults being advanced through this project. I’m a 57 year old German American who’s son studied biology at LMU from 3016-2019. During my visits, we learned more about the White Rose movement. I would love to help awaken this same courage in America. Just now sure how. Would love to know if I could get involved.