
Being Human Festival 2020: New Worlds

The White Rose Project is delighted to be part of this year’s Being Human Festival of the Humanities.

‘Led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, in partnership with the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the British Academy, Being Human is a national forum for public engagement with humanities research. The festival highlights the ways in which the humanities can inspire and enrich our everyday lives, help us to understand ourselves, our relationships with others, and the challenges we face in a changing world.’ (TORCH website)

The seventh annual festival will run between 12 and 22 November 2020. This year’s theme is ‘New Worlds’. The organisers write that this is ‘perfectly timed to reflect on the radical global changes of 2020, from the Covid-19 pandemic to the Black Lives Matter protests and the most important US election in decades.’ This year there will be a series of Being Human Cafés, offering the opportunity for people to gather and engage with a researcher, to share ideas and views on the world.

White Rose Circle Café

Saturday 21 November 2020, 1-3pm

In the White Rose Circle café, Dr Alexandra Lloyd will introduce the White Rose resistance group and their pamphlets, texts inspired by literature and philosophy with quotations from a wide range of sources, from Goethe to Laozi. After a short break, participants will be invited to share a phrase from a creative work that inspires or resonates with them and together we’ll discuss how their phrase could inspire us to create a better world. What does a world look like where this phrase is a guiding principle? What ideas lie behind it? We’ll invite participants to make a poster of their phrase after the event for our website. The event will be moderated by Dr Karolina Watroba (University of Oxford).

Please register using EventBrite here. If you would prefer not to use EventBrite, you can register by contacting the project directly at whiteroseoxford@gmail.com.


NB: Participants should be aged 18 and over. Any under-18s interested in this event can contact Dr Alex Lloyd at the White Rose Project (whiteroseoxford@gmail.com) to discuss the possibility of holding a workshop with their school/college. Registered participants will receive a message with further details and an invitation link directing them to the virtual seminar.

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