We were due to hold a symposium on the White Rose Resistance on 17 and 18 March 2020 at St Edmund Hall, Oxford. Sadly we had to postpone the event. Instead, we hosted a digital symposium here on our website. Read articles by academics and students on the group.

screenshot-2020-06-22-at-13.30.01.pngHildegard Kronawitter, Weiße Rose Stiftung  | ‘Welcome Address’

Sarah Brady, ‘Telling the Stories of the White Rose: Bearing Witness and Building Empathy Through Oral Storytelling’

Alexandra Lloyd, ‘Sophie Scholl: Interpreting an Icon’

Daniel Lloyd, ‘Cult and Commemoration: The White Rose’

Anke Loewensprung, ‘Lighting Matches during Blackout: A Visual Narrative in Slow Motion’

Tinka Reichmann and Juliana P. Perez, ‘The White Rose in Brazil: Translation, Culture and History’

Stephani Richards-Wilson, ‘Willi Graf of the White Rose: Words, Will, and a Way to Resist’

Katie J. Sanchez, ‘Commemoration of the White Rose in East and West Germany’

Helena Tomko, ‘Love and Do as You Will: Theodor Haecker Spoke to the White Rose’