Munich, 1942. War rages across Europe. After nearly a decade of Nazi rule, Hitler is at the height of his power. Any form of opposition is unimaginably dangerous. Anyone who dares to oppose the regime risks imprisonment, deportation, and even death. To stand up and speak out would take incredible strength and courage. There were some willing to take that risk.

Brought to you by SANSARA and the White Rose Project, Traces of the White Rose is a podcast series telling the story of the White Rose resistance: five students and a professor who stood up to Nazism and paid with their lives. Through newly-translated letters, diaries and resistance pamphlets, hosts Tom Herring and Dr Alexandra Lloyd trace the story of the White Rose resisters in their own words, alongside powerful and moving choral music by English and German composers from SANSARA’s acclaimed album Traces

Many of these writings have only recently been translated into English. This has been undertaken by members of the White Rose Project, a research and engagement initiative led by Dr Alexandra Lloyd at the University of Oxford. These English texts are the result of a collaborative translation process by university students around the same age as the original student White Rose resisters. The pamphlets are printed in full, alongside an introduction to the White Rose and biographical sketches of its members, in Defying Hitler: The White Rose Pamphlets (Bodleian Library Publishing, 2022) by Alexandra Lloyd.

Student Translators

The texts in the podcast have been translated by members of the White Rose Project: academics, and undergraduates around the same age as the student resisters of the White Rose. Find out more about our translators here. See below for a full list of translators’ credits.


Thanks are due to the following for kind permission to reproduce quotations in translation: 

Lukas Verlag from C. Moll (ed.), Alexander Schmorell, Christoph Probst: Gesammelte Briefe (Lukas, 2011)

Wolfgang Huber and Utz Verlag from W. Huber (ed.), Die Weiße Rose: Kurt Hubers letzte Tage (Utz, 2018)

Fischer Verlag from Thomas Hartnagel (ed.): Damit wir uns nicht verlieren: Briefwechsel 1937-1943, pp. 395-396, p. 434, pp. 455-456, p. 457. © S. Fischer Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, 2006. All rights reserved by S. Fischer VerlagGmbH. (978-3-596-17939-8).

Bodleian Library Publishing from  Defying Hitler: The White Rose Pamphlets (Bodleian Library Publishing, 2022).

English translations © Taylor Institution 2019, Bodleian Library Publishing 2022, University of Oxford 2023, and Alexandra Lloyd 2023.

Sincere thanks are due to all those involved in the production, and from the White Rose Project’s side, especially Dr Samuel Thompson and Chloe Green.

Texts, Sources, and Translators

Coming soon…