Returning to Munich

Dr Alex Lloyd writes about her recent visit to the Weiße Rose Stiftung (White Rose Foundation) in Munich.  From 2019-2021 I held a Knowledge Exchange Fellowship at The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH) and worked in partnership with the Weiße Rose Stiftung (White Rose Foundation) in Munich. The Foundation’s mission is to uphold the resistance …

A Visit to Munich

Last week one of our former White Rose Project student translators, Poppy Robertson, visited the DenkStätte Weiße Rose in Munich, a permanent exhibition in the university’s main building, established and maintained by the Weiße Rose Stiftung (White Rose Foundation). Poppy studies German at the University of Oxford and was one of the first student members of the …

‘Lighting Matches during Blackout: Student Activism in Munich 1942/1943’

We’re delighted to be hosting an installation by Anke Loewensprung as part of our symposium this month: ‘Lighting Matches during Blackout: Student Activism in Munich 1942/1943 | A Visual Narrative in Slow Motion’. Anke Loewensprung is a writer and multi-disciplinary artist. Through installations, performances and dialogue, she is exploring creative experiences of transformation and reconciliation. Working …