We are excited to be part of two live performances of music and readings commemorating the White Rose and telling their incredible story. The concerts will be hosted and performed by the award-winning vocal collective SANSARA under the direction of Tom Herring. One is at St-Martin-in-the-Fields in London, and the other at the Wiltshire Music …
White Rose Commemoration 2023
“We offer this evening’s performance of art, literature, and music as a way of commemorating this group of courageous individuals – students and their professor – who gave their lives in the pursuit of freedom.” Dr Alexandra Lloyd On Saturday 18 February 2023, around 65 members of the public and students gathered at the Levine …
Short Film: Voices of the German Resistance
We’re delighted to present this short film introducing Voices of the German Resistance, the White Rose Project’s collaboration with the award-winning vocal ensemble SANSARA. This commemorative project brings together choral works and readings from the White Rose members’ letters, diaries, and resistance pamphlets in new English translations. Our first event was a concert held at …
Voices of the German Resistance | Reflections
Dr Alex Lloyd reflects on a recent collaboration with the vocal ensemble SANSARA which resulted in Voices of the German Resistance, a powerful performance of music and readings about the White Rose. On 22 February over a hundred people gathered at the University Church of St Mary the Virgin in Oxford to attend Voices of …